Sunday, August 22, 2010


Okay so I have posted a bunch of pictures so that you can get a feel of what it is like for me at Liberty, or at least what some things look like. The first Picture up here is the view from the common room in my dorm. You can see the mountains and the Football field off to the right, it is a really cool view.

The next bunch of pictures is of my room mainly and the dorm I am in, I really really like my room situation, it is an awesome room, its very clean and I have a great roommate, this is our t.v. and the shelf that Zach and I got which took us like 45 minutes to put together the other night. And the sign is a big sign from a cross country meet that Zach has.

This is our lovely Kitchen, its very nice, my blender is over there in the sink, I made smoothies for the freshman guys and girls last night which you will read about in the post above. Its very spacious and great for cooking and storing.

This picture did not come out amazingly, but this is my desk, Zach has one just like it, and this is where I will be spending a lot of hours on homework starting tomorrow.

This is our common area, there are a couple of couches, a great place to hang out. Zach and I came out here this morning and did our devotions.

This is our walk in closet which has a lot of room for clothes and shoes and whatever else we may need to store in here. It is really nice and convienent.

And here is the bunk bed, I sleep on the top bunk and Zach has the bottom bunk. That is Caleb there hanging out in my room. Zach went to lunch with his prayer leader so I went to lunch with Caleb, Josh, and Nate, and then Caleb and I just came back up here to hang out and get some stuff done.
And this is our bathroom, we have kept it very clean, the shower is nice, the sink, only me and Zach use this, it is very nice and we are lucky to have our own bathroom.
So there you have it, thats my room, I will eventually post some more pictures of campus, and the track and other things like that. It is a great campus and I really love it. God has really been working in me the past couple of days and I feel just so blessed and happy to be here. This is best spiritual environment I have ever been in and I feel really happy here.


  1. I want to see a picture of this same bathroom in three weeks...

    The Dad!

  2. awww sounds like your having a good time. =) your room looks really nice and yes like dad i want to see pictures in three weeks. =PP

