Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Okay so here is just a quick update about whats going on here at Liberty. This is my second week of classes and they are going pretty well. I have such a crazy busy schedule every single day. Today especially was/is very busy. I woke up at 5:30am for a morning workout which consisted of 4x7 minute repeats with 1 minute rest. Then we immediately came back to our room showered and went to class. I had 4 classes in a row all the way up til 1:40pm, and then I booked it over to the athletic training room to see a chiropractor. So I am constantly doing something that is for sure. It is like 95 degrees outside, it is very very hot. So I am racing this Friday in the relay meet. I am running with our Canadian Spencer Jackson so that should be good, I am very excited to race again and finally put on a Liberty uniform.

Well I have to go to a xc/track meeting now and then off to dinner and study hall so busy busy busy.


This is a picture from the Football field of the new expansion (picture of the day)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend Life at Liberty

This weekends pictures: top (fireworks, family force five) 2nd row (block party, zach football toss) bottom (sam driving us around)
So weekends seem to be pretty busy at Liberty University. Friday night began with a pool party at coaches house which was fun. We had a good dinner but I didn't stay too long. Then we came back to the dorm and just hung out in our room and watched t.v and I skyped Alex, Hillary, and Rachel. Then Saturday, Zach and I finally got to sleep in for once. Then after we woke up we went down to get some lunch and then went back up to our rooms to do homework. I got a little bit done, and Zach went to go buy a new printer. Then we went for a run at around 4pm which was pretty good, it was really hot out. Then we came back, showered up and headed down for dinner. We ate and then met up with Sam and drove over with him to the block party on campus north. The block party was crazy, they had inflatables everywhere, a rock climbing wall, food venders, and a huge stage set up for the concert. Sam, Zach and I just walked around for a bit. Me and Sam got a little bored so we left and went to his house where some of the other guys where. We got there and played some cards for a whlie and then Sam and I went back to the block party to watch family force five play. It was dark out by then and we just stood in the back of the screaming crazy college students and watched the band. After that was done I met up with Zach and we went to the Tillie to meet up with Joshypants, Nate, Kylie and Katie. We just hung out on the couches for awhile and then it was getting late so we left. A bunch of people were in mine and Zachs dorm area so we stayed up for a little bit until going to bed.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pictures, Ice Baths, and Maizefield

This is the Ice Tub that I have been icing in lately, I get down on my knees in there and get water all the way up past my waist. Its not too bad, gets numb then it feels good.

This is the new football stadium expansion from the back, it is rapidly getting done, should be just a couple of more weeks until it is done. It is rather large.

And this is our bookstore which features barnes and nobles and also a starbucks coffee shop. I haven't been in there that much. Its a nice bookstore though.
Well life has been very busy here at Liberty for my first week of college classes. It feels like I have been here for months now its crazy. I feel like I have known Zach and Caleb for a long time, Zach is definately my best friend and I hang out with Caleb a lot too, we just went to dinner together after practice this evening. After dinner we ran into Sam and we talked for awhile, he is the funniest guy. He calls me Maizefield because Maize means corn and he finds it very amusing. Today for our run we did just an easy 6 miles, I have been experiencing some tightness in my upper right leg so that has made me feel uncomfortable but I have been working on it with the icing and using a roller. We also have started a core routine with Coach Scott who I finished up my run with today. The guys on the team are really fun and we have a blast at every practice. We all know each other and hang out. Classes are pretty good too, every class except one I have xc freshman with me. On Mon/Wed/Fri I have English first with Zach and Katie, and then I have Personal Health and thats just me. Then on Tue/Thurs I have Contemporary Issues (my favorite professor) and I have Zach, Katie, Josh, and Jessica in that with me, then I go to Speech Communication with Zach, Josh and Katie, and then me and Zach have New Testement Survey, and then I go to Evangelism with Katie. So I get to hang out with Katie and Zach a lot.

Tomorrow we have a pool party at Coaches with the whole team which should be fun. Then Saturday we have a block party and Family Force Five is coming to play (look them up). So life at Liberty is always moving and exciting.

There is probably more but thats all for now...

Below are the pictures of all the Freshman XC People:

Top Row, right to left (Caleb, Josh, Nate), Bottom Row, right to left (Jessica, Katie, Jarred, Zach)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This was the sunset today at Liberty University, the hills in the background make it very beautiful. Had my first convocation today which was really good. It was actually raining this morning and then turned into this.
This is "The Castle" this is where I live, it that 102 steps to get up to where I live on the top floor from the pavement. We are on the highest point in the campus so it is called the castle. It is awesome, We are the Champions of East 23

Monday, August 23, 2010

USA > Canada

So Calebs roommate is Canadian and we decided to do something about it..


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Smoothies, Cards and Ice Skating

Yesterday I probably had one of the best evenings I have had in a while, I just had a lot of fun. So Caleb and I went to dinner at around 5:15pm which was pretty early but we were hungry. So we got some food, I had pizza again. Then we came back to the dorm and just hung out for awhile, before dinner we had thrown the frisbee around. Then at 7 something I started making smoothies in the kitchen. Zach, Josh, Nate, Caleb and I were all in there making smoothies with my new blender. Then we went down the the clubhouse with the smoothies because we made them for the freshman girls too; Katie, Jess, and Kylie. We talked and had smoothies down in the clubhouse, we couldn't stop laughing at whatever we were talking about. We laugh and make fun of Josh a lot, he is a riot, he is from California and has a lottt of energy. Then we headed back to the dorm and cleaned up the smoothie stuff and then met up with the girls again and walked down to the Tillie which is a large hangout place with lots of stuff. We played some cards, and played a couple of different games which created a lot of laughter. Then we went over to the basketball courts and shot around a little bit but not for long. Ok so there was a late night skate at the ice rink which started at midnight and went until 2am. We were waiting around to go to that. So we went over to the rink at around 11:20pm and there was already a long line waiting for the doors to open at midnight. So we got in line and waited. Josh went over and talked to a guy in a chicken suit that had a sign that said "Need money for chicks" and we all got pictures with him. We finally got to skate and it was crazy, there were so many people there, hundreds, and after we got on the ice they turned the lights off and had like disco lights. The picture of Caleb above was before the lights went out. So we only skated for about 20 minutes, and then we all headed back to our dorms and said goodnight to the girls. Zach and I were up until about 2am talking and then went to bed.



Okay so I have posted a bunch of pictures so that you can get a feel of what it is like for me at Liberty, or at least what some things look like. The first Picture up here is the view from the common room in my dorm. You can see the mountains and the Football field off to the right, it is a really cool view.

The next bunch of pictures is of my room mainly and the dorm I am in, I really really like my room situation, it is an awesome room, its very clean and I have a great roommate, this is our t.v. and the shelf that Zach and I got which took us like 45 minutes to put together the other night. And the sign is a big sign from a cross country meet that Zach has.

This is our lovely Kitchen, its very nice, my blender is over there in the sink, I made smoothies for the freshman guys and girls last night which you will read about in the post above. Its very spacious and great for cooking and storing.

This picture did not come out amazingly, but this is my desk, Zach has one just like it, and this is where I will be spending a lot of hours on homework starting tomorrow.

This is our common area, there are a couple of couches, a great place to hang out. Zach and I came out here this morning and did our devotions.

This is our walk in closet which has a lot of room for clothes and shoes and whatever else we may need to store in here. It is really nice and convienent.

And here is the bunk bed, I sleep on the top bunk and Zach has the bottom bunk. That is Caleb there hanging out in my room. Zach went to lunch with his prayer leader so I went to lunch with Caleb, Josh, and Nate, and then Caleb and I just came back up here to hang out and get some stuff done.
And this is our bathroom, we have kept it very clean, the shower is nice, the sink, only me and Zach use this, it is very nice and we are lucky to have our own bathroom.
So there you have it, thats my room, I will eventually post some more pictures of campus, and the track and other things like that. It is a great campus and I really love it. God has really been working in me the past couple of days and I feel just so blessed and happy to be here. This is best spiritual environment I have ever been in and I feel really happy here.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Liberty Flame

Well here I am, a Liberty Flame, got my picture taken yesterday right after it was pouring rain outside as you can probably tell by the wet hair look. Well I have been so extremely busy, with classes and running. I ran this morning, did a fartlik run this morning and my legs felt really heavy, we did like 11 miles overall. Then I headed to a "Stess" seminar thing which was an hour. And then I went and dropped off some paper work at the football building. Now Zach and I are just hanging out in the dorm waiting for one of the freshman girls to finish up her phsyical and then we are all going to lunch and then going to our freshman seminar which is 2 and a half hours long. And then off to Coach's house for a pool party later, so activity at Liberty never stops. How are things going at home??


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Settling in

So I arrived yesterday at around 1:00pm and got everything moved into my room pretty quickly. Zach was here and had already gotten everything in the room. So after I got everything in the room I went out to eat lunch with Dad, the Barkers and Nate (who is another runner). We went to Ruby Tuesdays and I just got some chicken fingers. Then me and dad went to wal-mart to get a computer case, it started raining and that was unpleasant. Then we went back to my dorm and dad said goodbye and me and Zach cleaned up our room some more. We then went to a complience meeting at 3:30pm where we got a boat load of paper work and some other things we have to do for cross country. The meeting was in the new Track facility which is very nice.

When we finished all of that stuff we went for a run pretty late and explored the campus a bit. We ran for 70 minutes and by that time it was dark. I got some pizza from wal-mart and had dinner at about 10pm. Zach and I were both pretty wiped out but we finally got to sleep after finishing up some more paper work.

I met a couple of the other guys on the team today, Josh MaCdonald from California and Josh Morris from VA. and then we have a new French guy on the team, and a couple of the girls were at the meeting.

This morning I woke up at around 8am and then went down the Card Center to get my Flames ID Card which was good. It is really starting to get busy here with all the people coming in today. Then after that me and Zach went to the bookstore and got a couple things. We went for a run around noon today and it was really killer, we only ran about 48 minutes because it is so hot down here and we just didn't feel great. We then went down the the rot and got some food for lunch and now are just waiting for 3:30 when we have to go get our pictures taken for the XC website so that should be fun. So be looking for my picture to come up with my profile on the liberty website.

Well thats all thats been going on, its quite busy and I am quite tired but all is going well


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On my Way

I am currently in the car on my way to Liberty, it is 11:40 right now and we should get there around 1ish so not too far off at all. Yesterday I spent the day with Gid and Mom in Baltimore and also when to an Orioles game which was really fun. I am excited to get moved in and all settled in. I have a compliance meeting later at 6pm so that should be interesting and a bunch of stuff going on tomorrow.

My run yesterday was really awful, it was hot and I only ran a little over 5 miles, my plan is to go for 10-12 today sometime in the afternoon with Zach

This is the picture of the game last night, we had great seating!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 10th

Well I leave on Sunday, so only 5 days until I leave. I have decided to create this blog for my family so that they can experience what I am going through while I am away. Today I am going shopping up in the mall area with Rachel to finish getting some things that I need such as laundry detergent etc... It does not feel like I leave as soon as I am going to be leaving. It should be a good experience, and I am looking forward to next week, and also Sunday and Monday when I get to see my Mom and Gideon.

I ran 11 miles today, felt pretty good, very very excited for training with the Liberty team next week.