Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hard Fall a Blessing

So today I went on just an easy 5 mile run, which went from my dorm to the nearby upper dam trail up to five points and back to the dorm. I was running by myself which was the first in a while and I was just enjoying the very beautiful 70 degree sunny weather here in Va. in late October. So I was running along on the trials at a pretty brisk pace, and was just thinking about what God might have planned for me in the next few years or weeks, or days, or hours, or minutes. And I was just talking with God and praying and just enjoying spending time with Him as I ran out on the beautiful trails. At about 12 minutes into minutes into my run I asked God to make my run exciting in some way or interesting, I don't know why I asked this but I just wanted something to happen. Its funny how God can respond so quickly sometimes. About a minute later, I started singing some songs in my head, and the first one I started to sing was Praise God from whom all blessings flow. And I started singing the song and just as I finished saying the word blessings I tripped over a root and fell pretty hard on the trail. I fell on my left side and jammed my right hand a little bit. I just laid on the ground for about 30 seconds or so, I had scrapped my left calf, my right knee was bleeding, and my left shoulder got some scraps along with my stomach. I got back up and started running again and I laughed to myself and thanked God. I started thinking and I thought about how all blessings come from God and even a fall in the dirt can be a blessing. It was a reminder to me and I was just really thankful for who God is and what He has and does for me.

I'm getting ready for Conference this weekend and I just want to run for the Glory of God and nothing else. If I get in last place and I Glorify God then I've accomplished my goal, and if I win and shock the world by beating Sam and I Glorify God then I've accomplished the same goal and purpose. I just hope to foremost Glorify Him and then also just encourage my teammates and give up my body as a sacrifice to God for He created it. I am really excited for an opportunity to just Glorify Him through my race and I'm happy that its not just on race day that I have the opportunity to do this but every single day with everything that I do.



  1. You might feel a bit stiff today... if you have any, take some vit C's and drink a lot.

    To be totally surrendered to be about His will is beautiful. I pray for you that in it all you will have ears to hear Him and eyes to see Him and a mind to discern His voice and a strong heart to follow when it's hard and when it's easy.

    I love you.

  2. Kinda odd... Are you feeling okay now? Not sore any more right?

