Monday, October 18, 2010

Funny Pictures of the Week

#4: David is caught sleeping on the bus, I may be classified as a stalker for taking this, but its funny.

#3: Stalker picture number two, I caught Zach and Katie cuddling on the couch, I was about to go cuddle with them and make it awkward, but could not conjure up the guts.

#2: Coming in at number 2, is Ryan with the largest and fluffiest Caterpillar every found in the history of mankind, unfortunately it was 45 dollars or we would have brought it home.

#1: And at number one for this week, is the one eyed cyclops named Zach, we were having a little bit too much fun at Best Buy.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha that caterpillar is amazing! =)

    ps. your stalking skills may be good, but mine will always be better. =PP

