Monday, January 31, 2011

New Style

So I'm trying to make more posts on here this semester and make it so you all will actually want to read them so I thought I would change up my format a little bit, and write each of you a little something.

Dad: Yes I am up to date on my running log so we can clear that up front. I haven't talked to you since you had everything going on in Chicago so I hope that went well for you and Dave. Coach seeded me at 4:16 for this weekend in the mile so we will see where that puts me. I am still coughing some but slowly getting better each day. I will probably do some type of speed workout tomorrow but I don't know what yet. I'm sure I'll call you soon and fill you in.

Mom: Mother dear, I first wanted to let you know that I have been doing a really good job at not biting my nails. You have to see them, they are actually normal and my fingers look much much better. I also purchased some Vitamin C (100 500mg tablets) so I have been taking those to boost up my immune system. Being sick here is tough because I realized how I don't have access to all the stuff that is at home that I usually do. But I am making due right now and getting over this. School is going well, I did bad on my first online exam but I'll figure it out.

Dell: Did you ever hear back from Applebee's? Other than that how is work going at the shop and your writing? I feel like you have been writing forever, and I'm sure you are done with some stuff. You would really like my English teacher, he is far far better than the one I had last semester. We played mafia on Saturday night, oh crap I could have asked about your shirt but I forgot, hmm I'll try to remember. We had a bunch of people again, including three recruits who were killed off early in each round which was funny.

Dem: Did you ever keep working on those cool scarfs? I am sure you are up to some sort of artsy project right now. I wore my scarf last night, so I still do rock it here on campus. I did get your email by the way on my gmail account with your essay. I got it a long time after you sent it though because I don't use that email any more, if you ever send me anything send it to I'll try to correct it for you and send it to you when I have some time.

Neeki: Our team just came out with a big poster with our track schedule on it and it also has a picture of some of top athletes. Its pretty cool, I'll try to bring one down for whoever comes to my meet at Penn State this weekend. I know you like to do that kind of stuff on the computer and you would like it. I am sure you also are currently into some sort of project like Dem at home, what is it?

Gid: You know I saw a guy the other day at the cafeteria who has a really short arm with only a couple of fingers and he is actually on the football team here. He is a kicker and he is pretty good, I have seen him catch a football with his small arm like you do by catching it up against his body so that reminded me of you. His name is Benn Shipps, if you click on this link you can see a picture of him. , its interesting because he played at Taylor University before coming to Liberty and Dad went to Taylor University too.

Gabe: I hope you are staying out of trouble there little one. Make sure you aren't hurting your brothers and when you play be gentle. I have the picture you made for me on my desk so I see it every day. Remember to keep doing your school work, it is really important to listen to Mom when you do your school work so you can learn. Have you been playing outside a lot?

DJ: Mom has sent me a couple pictures of you and they are funny but you never are smiling, you have quite the straight face. I'm pretty excited because it was my roommate Zach's birthday yesterday and he got all three Mighty Duck movies which you probably haven't seen but we used to watch them when we were your age. You should ask Dem if she can get them from the library or something. Anyway I hope you are doing well, peace out.


  1. Jarred: Okay so, I haven't really been working on any scarfs lately, but instead trying to figure out how to rib. (Its a knitting thing) But yeah, so i've just been knitting, and doing origami and stuff, and of course school. Neeki and I went out this morning to shovel peoples driveways because it snowed around 5 inches last night. We made $40 but were only out for a little while.
    And that wasn't an essay I sent to you but a creepy story I wrote while I was doing my online class.


    and ps. Stephen and I were just talking about how we wanted to watch Mighty Ducks the other day! So I think we should def. watch them whenever we see you next.

    P.s.s And what are you running at Penn State? I don't know what the plan is yet, but i'm thinking some of us are hoping to get up there. =)

  2. Love you. I appreciate your efforts! It means a lot.

  3. PS Good job on the nails thing. It's def a pet peeve for me so I appreciate you stopping... and it's not healthy to bite your nails.

  4. Jarred: (can you spell my name 'del'?), No, I didn't hear back from Applebees. Still hoping, def could use the hours.
    Yup, still writing...while I can get my laptop. It was easier when I was in Lynchburg and had it always had access to it. Or at least, a lot more so than here. But eh. Such is life right? And I'd let you read some of it, but it's totally not edited yet and not super awesome.
    hahahaha. Yeahhh maybe next time I play maffia I can be good at it? hahaha maybe! Last time was bad...especially since I had NO idea what was going on. lol. O well, wouldn't be the first time I looked like an idiot. And yes...I truly do miss that tshirt. In the process of cleaning my room I ended up getting rid of more than half of my clothes...and I'm still getting rid of more.
    But you should see my ROOM! AHHH it's awesome...mostly thanks to mum and neeki and dem...I did a little though :) :).
    Will you be my valentine? :P

    PS I sent you a text this morning. :P
