Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harry Potter & National Champion

On Monday, I watched the NCAA XC National Championships. Liberty had both Sam Chelanga and Evans Kigan running in the mens race. Sam ended up winning for the second year in a row after dropping a kick in the last 500m. It was really exciting to watch and it will be fun next week when he gets back and we all get to celebrate. Evans finished 31st which wasn't a great race for him but he did earn All-American status. Liberty runners have now won 3 out of the last 4 individual national championships and a top 2 place finish in the last four years. Way to go Sam.

Also last Friday I went and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 with Dell and Dad. I must say I thought it was amazing and really enjoyed it. I really want to go see it again but I'll have to wait until it comes to the dollar theater. I can't wait for the last movie to come out next July around my birthday.

Other News in Short:

Soul business has been pretty slow, we are looking forward to Black Friday when people will be in shopping frenzies. So we will see how that goes.

Last night we watched How to Train Your Dragon after work, that also was a good movie, I recommend it.

Zach hacked my facebook account and changed my birthday to November 23rd so I had people telling me happy birthday today on facebook.

I watched the new Chuck episode that came out yesterday, it was another good one! This season is defiantly good.

And that is the life of Jarred Cornfield currently


  1. The boys absolutely loved How to train your dragon. We decided toothless acts like bro. =)

    Neeks gid, stephen and I all went to see HP. It was good, just not as good as the book. Lucky for you, you can go see it again at the dollar theater, we have to wait till it comes out.


  2. Yay for Liberty!! Keep up the good work selling souls (or ttrying to)!! And I agree Dem, toothless does act like bro!

  3. gideon and neeki and demory and stephen watched harry potter at the theatre.


  4. Haha thanks for letting me know Gabe, miss you man, make sure you keep up your running training with DJ

  5. I want Gabes to leave a comment on my post :/


  6. i want jarred to update his blog

