Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Whats coming up in the life of Jarred Cornfield

Okay so my cross country season is officially over, I did a 1500m time trial today at practice and now I have some time off of running to recover and get ready for Indoor Track. The time trial went pretty well, I led most of it until Isaac just took off with 400m to go, I ended up running a 4:02 which is about a 4:20 conversion for the mile. It was a pretty good time trial I was pleased with it knowing that I ran that off of cross country training only. So I am pretty excited about track now and what God has in store for me in the upcoming months of running. We had a track meeting the other day at the Indoor Track and it was really cool to meet there and see the throwers working, and sprinters working on form, and jumpers doing their drills, and just knowing that the track is Liberty's and that is the school I represent. It is just really cool having our own track and knowing that it will become home.

So I have off of running the rest of this week, and I will be doing core and some strength training stuff but no running. Saturday I am participating in a golf tournament with Zach, David, and Josh (McDougal). So that should be really fun, then on Sunday we have a cross country team thanksgiving dinner at Hailey's house which should be really fun! So looking forward to a good weekend, I feel a little bit ahead of my homework which is a good feeling, I have finished one of my classes so I only have 3 classes on Tuesday/Thursdays which is so nice. Then I have my morning class for Tuesday/Thursday ending next Thursday which will be so nice.

Lately in my bible reading, I have been reading through a Proverbs each day, and then the last few days I have done also a chapter of Ephesians along with that. I have been thinking about the word wisdom a lot as it is a major theme in Proverbs. I have thought about Wisdom and been trying to apply it to my everyday life and just trying to remind myself to think before acting and speaking and trying to seek the wisest decision and act and that it would Glorify God. Also I have been really awed by a couple of verses that speak of God's wisdom and it is hard to even comprehend His wisdom. Proverbs 3:19-20 says, "The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens; by his knowledge the deeps broke open, and the clouds drop down the dew". So I have been really thinking about wisdom and how I can apply it to my life and how awesome God's wisdom is which I can not comprehend.

Well I am in study hall so I should probably work



  1. Oh dear, what are you going to do without running?... you'll have so much time on your hands! Actually, enjoy your time off - really rest and reflect on what God might have for you next...and enjoy your rest - relish in it as a gift from God to be used to its fullest.

    I just started reading Proverbs to the boys in the morning before we start school. I'm not sure sometimes what they get, but I trust that God's word will penetrate, and if nothing else, I get to hear it.

  2. Have you met Dr. Linda Farver yet?
