Friday, December 10, 2010

XC Banquet

We had our Cross Country banquet the other night. The food was very very good, a nice change away from the rot. Dad and Dell came but sat at a different table so I didn't get to talk to them very much. It was a long banquet and different than the banquets I had in high school, there wasn't a normal dvd presentation like me and dad did in high school and we all were looking quite sharp with ties on. It was good though, I was able to reflect back on the season and see how much God's hand was always there and guiding. I have been moving quickly into Indoor Track season but it was nice to look back and see what God did through this team and how the people on this team really blessed me and helped me to grow in my relationship with God. I am greatly looking forward to next season but will also miss the seniors who provided so much leadership and encouragement. I will miss you Josh, Evans, Sam, Jake, Mark, and Dan.

Oh yeah we have a lot of fun too I must add.. p.s. Mom I need a hair cut

Andrew thought it would be very cleaver to take a picture of Zach through the opening of his fingers. Zach's a handsome boy.

Coming next..
Finals & Plans for Break


Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for men


  1. Hmmm.... we'll take care of that hair sooner or later. Miss you.

  2. PS Is that your tie?

  3. Yes it is far too long! And no that is Zach's tie.
