Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend Life at Liberty

This weekends pictures: top (fireworks, family force five) 2nd row (block party, zach football toss) bottom (sam driving us around)
So weekends seem to be pretty busy at Liberty University. Friday night began with a pool party at coaches house which was fun. We had a good dinner but I didn't stay too long. Then we came back to the dorm and just hung out in our room and watched t.v and I skyped Alex, Hillary, and Rachel. Then Saturday, Zach and I finally got to sleep in for once. Then after we woke up we went down to get some lunch and then went back up to our rooms to do homework. I got a little bit done, and Zach went to go buy a new printer. Then we went for a run at around 4pm which was pretty good, it was really hot out. Then we came back, showered up and headed down for dinner. We ate and then met up with Sam and drove over with him to the block party on campus north. The block party was crazy, they had inflatables everywhere, a rock climbing wall, food venders, and a huge stage set up for the concert. Sam, Zach and I just walked around for a bit. Me and Sam got a little bored so we left and went to his house where some of the other guys where. We got there and played some cards for a whlie and then Sam and I went back to the block party to watch family force five play. It was dark out by then and we just stood in the back of the screaming crazy college students and watched the band. After that was done I met up with Zach and we went to the Tillie to meet up with Joshypants, Nate, Kylie and Katie. We just hung out on the couches for awhile and then it was getting late so we left. A bunch of people were in mine and Zachs dorm area so we stayed up for a little bit until going to bed.


  1. Do we want to know why you call Josh Joshypants?

  2. Thats just a nickname we gave him

  3. sounds like fun.... =) did you like the band? or was it to chaotic for you to really be able to hear them?


  4. Is he called Joshypants because he's from Cali Forn Ya?

  5. To add to the list of questions....
    Which english class are you taking? Is is english 101 by chance??
