Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On my Way

I am currently in the car on my way to Liberty, it is 11:40 right now and we should get there around 1ish so not too far off at all. Yesterday I spent the day with Gid and Mom in Baltimore and also when to an Orioles game which was really fun. I am excited to get moved in and all settled in. I have a compliance meeting later at 6pm so that should be interesting and a bunch of stuff going on tomorrow.

My run yesterday was really awful, it was hot and I only ran a little over 5 miles, my plan is to go for 10-12 today sometime in the afternoon with Zach

This is the picture of the game last night, we had great seating!


1 comment:

  1. awwwww i didn't know you made a blog for us.... <3 =D

