Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pictures, Ice Baths, and Maizefield

This is the Ice Tub that I have been icing in lately, I get down on my knees in there and get water all the way up past my waist. Its not too bad, gets numb then it feels good.

This is the new football stadium expansion from the back, it is rapidly getting done, should be just a couple of more weeks until it is done. It is rather large.

And this is our bookstore which features barnes and nobles and also a starbucks coffee shop. I haven't been in there that much. Its a nice bookstore though.
Well life has been very busy here at Liberty for my first week of college classes. It feels like I have been here for months now its crazy. I feel like I have known Zach and Caleb for a long time, Zach is definately my best friend and I hang out with Caleb a lot too, we just went to dinner together after practice this evening. After dinner we ran into Sam and we talked for awhile, he is the funniest guy. He calls me Maizefield because Maize means corn and he finds it very amusing. Today for our run we did just an easy 6 miles, I have been experiencing some tightness in my upper right leg so that has made me feel uncomfortable but I have been working on it with the icing and using a roller. We also have started a core routine with Coach Scott who I finished up my run with today. The guys on the team are really fun and we have a blast at every practice. We all know each other and hang out. Classes are pretty good too, every class except one I have xc freshman with me. On Mon/Wed/Fri I have English first with Zach and Katie, and then I have Personal Health and thats just me. Then on Tue/Thurs I have Contemporary Issues (my favorite professor) and I have Zach, Katie, Josh, and Jessica in that with me, then I go to Speech Communication with Zach, Josh and Katie, and then me and Zach have New Testement Survey, and then I go to Evangelism with Katie. So I get to hang out with Katie and Zach a lot.

Tomorrow we have a pool party at Coaches with the whole team which should be fun. Then Saturday we have a block party and Family Force Five is coming to play (look them up). So life at Liberty is always moving and exciting.

There is probably more but thats all for now...

Below are the pictures of all the Freshman XC People:

Top Row, right to left (Caleb, Josh, Nate), Bottom Row, right to left (Jessica, Katie, Jarred, Zach)


  1. I hope the tightness goes away! :) Nice post. Pool party sounds like super fun wish I could go to hang with you and your new friends. How did that one class go with you having to say a funny memory or embarrassing one???

  2. Thanks for the pics it's nice to put faces with names.


  3. I'm with Sam, Maizefield is pretty funny.

  4. dude, dad made this really good salsa, and i'm loving it. =) just thought i'd let you know. =)


  5. Hey, that's not cool.
