Saturday, December 25, 2010

Florida Adventure

Here is my with Daniel, Isaiah and Abram out on Lido Beach in Sarasota. I was able to visit the Efthimious for 3 days after my semester of school ended. It was really nice seeing them and being able to experience Florida as they do. The water was really cold at the beach, I just got in up to my knees to ice, but we had fun and I got some sea shells.

Here is Isaiah with his super hero pose with the ocean in the background with the sun shinning down. He didn't want to do it at first but we were able to convince him to.

Another shot of the beach

Some random big buildings by the beach

Going into down town, which was very rich like and upscale, it was quite nice.

I had a great trip down to Florida, it was on my heart to visit them for awhile now and God made a way for me to do so. I got to spend a lot of time with the whole family, particularly Anna and Daniel which was fun and we had some good conversations. I went on some great runs by lakes and a 5am morning run on the beach in the rain. Me and Isaiah saw a poisonous black racer snake so that got the adrenaline going. We also played Monopoly with credit cards, the new technology for games wow. I hope to see more of them in the near future and it was nice to rekindle our friendships :)


Coming Next:

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