Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We got home from Lynchburg on Christmas morning at about 1am and were up until about 2:30am before I went to bed. When I woke up we spent the morning wrapping presents and getting ready for our Christmas traditions. The boys had a lot of fun and we all opened our stockings and presents. It is extremely nice to be home now, I haven't been home since October so its nice just to relax and spend some time with my family. The picture above is of me and DJ on Christmas morning.

DJ and Gabe with their new hats (DJ initiated the hug)

DJ told me that he committed to Liberty to run Cross Country, so he wanted me to know that.

Gid got a new mohawk hat which he liked

I am not sure all of what my plans are for this break, hopefully a lot of relaxing and seeing friends and spending time with family. I went over to the Nagles on Christmas night and hung out with Alex, Lani and Ryan so that was fun. Hillary came over the night after Christmas and right now Stephen is here, we went out to the Salvation Army and got me a really nice suit for 15 dollars so that was a success. We will see what the plans are for today and the upcoming days, hopefully they will be filled with fun.

"And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the request that we have asked of him" 1 John 5:14-15


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Florida Adventure

Here is my with Daniel, Isaiah and Abram out on Lido Beach in Sarasota. I was able to visit the Efthimious for 3 days after my semester of school ended. It was really nice seeing them and being able to experience Florida as they do. The water was really cold at the beach, I just got in up to my knees to ice, but we had fun and I got some sea shells.

Here is Isaiah with his super hero pose with the ocean in the background with the sun shinning down. He didn't want to do it at first but we were able to convince him to.

Another shot of the beach

Some random big buildings by the beach

Going into down town, which was very rich like and upscale, it was quite nice.

I had a great trip down to Florida, it was on my heart to visit them for awhile now and God made a way for me to do so. I got to spend a lot of time with the whole family, particularly Anna and Daniel which was fun and we had some good conversations. I went on some great runs by lakes and a 5am morning run on the beach in the rain. Me and Isaiah saw a poisonous black racer snake so that got the adrenaline going. We also played Monopoly with credit cards, the new technology for games wow. I hope to see more of them in the near future and it was nice to rekindle our friendships :)


Coming Next:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Relient K

So as you can see, we were really close to the stage, and close enough to even touch Matt (we didn't though). This is me and David, we went to North Carolina yesterday (Me, David, Dan, and McDougal), to see Relient K play. We arrived at 5pm, the doors opened at 7pm and there were two bands that played before Relient K. Our wait was worth it though because we got amazing spots up front. Relient K played about 18 songs and it was pretty crazy being there but a lot of fun.

Here is lead singer Matt Theissen singing away

The bass player and one of the guitar players (Justin I believe)

Matt going crazy

Here is us eating Mexican food while waiting in line for 2 hours (we were the second people there).

I am heading to Florida this week on Wednesday after my exams to visit with the Efthimiou's, I finished up my English exam today that was pretty easy, I am glad to be done with that class. Just have Speech and Bible tests tomorrow. Going out for a tempo run right now, I just got new trainers and spikes from coach so I am pretty excited about that!

God Bless,

Friday, December 10, 2010

XC Banquet

We had our Cross Country banquet the other night. The food was very very good, a nice change away from the rot. Dad and Dell came but sat at a different table so I didn't get to talk to them very much. It was a long banquet and different than the banquets I had in high school, there wasn't a normal dvd presentation like me and dad did in high school and we all were looking quite sharp with ties on. It was good though, I was able to reflect back on the season and see how much God's hand was always there and guiding. I have been moving quickly into Indoor Track season but it was nice to look back and see what God did through this team and how the people on this team really blessed me and helped me to grow in my relationship with God. I am greatly looking forward to next season but will also miss the seniors who provided so much leadership and encouragement. I will miss you Josh, Evans, Sam, Jake, Mark, and Dan.

Oh yeah we have a lot of fun too I must add.. p.s. Mom I need a hair cut

Andrew thought it would be very cleaver to take a picture of Zach through the opening of his fingers. Zach's a handsome boy.

Coming next..
Finals & Plans for Break


Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for men