Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Life has been extremely busy here at Liberty for me. This week is Spiritual Emphasis week, we have a speaker named Clayton King (who is fantasic - and He has spoken Monday at Convocation, Monday Night, Tuesday Night, This morning and he will again tonight. So I have been busy with all of those gatherings along with Cross Country practice, hall meetings, xc bible studies, and school work. Things are going well though, I just cleaned up my room and it is very very clean (yes very clean mom). Above is a picture of the new shoes that Coach Scott gave me yesterday at practice so I will be trying those out in a few minutes at practice.

This is Josh and Nate here this weekend when we all went out and got ourselves 52oz slushies. We get to keep these 52oz jars and a refill at sheetz is only 97 cents! But we had a great time and Josh certainly had a enough sugar that night.

Here is another sunset picture that I took from my room! Its a beautiful area, it is still weird that I am living in Virgina right now.

Well I gotta head to practice!



  1. 1. you're adorable.
    2. i want to live in virginia now too
    3. i've looked online at real estate to see if there is houses (Charlottesville is what I've like best)
    4. When's your next race?
    5. When should I visit?
    6. Love your shoes
    bye bye now

  2. I'm just glad I didn't pay for the shoes.


  3. I'm glad that you're keeping your room clean. I do know that you are good at cleaning your room, but it's the regularity and consistentcy that you've not been so good at.


    <3 <3 <3 <3


  5. Dell
    1. you're adorable too
    2. Virginia is really nice, but I do miss New York
    3. Charlottesville is not close to here I don't think
    4. I race at Coastal Carolina next Friday, it is a 6k and it is at Myrtle Beach
    5. You can visit anytime
    6. Yes my shoes are sweet

    Mom my room has not only been clean but also regularly cleaned, we have room checks 3 times a week but me and Zach never have a problem, we have a very clean room.
