Saturday, September 18, 2010

Coastal Carolina Invite/Myrtle Beach

So my weekend was pretty busy and I posted quite a few pictures on here so there is just a description of what was going on throughout the week, it was really fun.

On Saturday morning I woke up at 6:45am and went down to the beach to read my bible and do devotions. I read a few chapters of Acts and then read Psalm 113 which has a verse that says something like, "Praise God when the sun rises and when the sun sets". I got to do that with the sunrise.

A little after 7am now, here is me on the beach, it was a nice temperature out and very relaxing. Just nice to read and listen to the waves and watch the sunrise.

This is the sun at about 8am, just before I went back up to my room. I was out on the beach from 7am-8am and then I went up to my room and went on a run with Mark, Coach Scott, Sam, Evans, and Will. We did a little over 10 miles which was pretty good. We ran on some nice soft trails which was good.

This was right at 7am when the sun was just starting to come up in the sky. When I got there it hadn't appeared but it did right when I sat down. It looked really cool, and I just watched it come up for an hour.

These are some nice palm trees right by our hotel and the beach, there are tons of palm trees down here, I really want some.

This is the condo that we stayed in. Each condo had three bedrooms like this which was really nice. Zach and I were in this room which had a balcony where we could go onto and see the ocean.

This is the nice kitchen that we had as well, these rooms were huge.

This is the view from out our door, you can see the pool and also a lazy pool. Joshypants, Zach, and I went to the hotel next door and went on a lazy pool and hot tub which was pretty fun.

Here is a group of us working on a sandcastle on the beach, we were out here for a few hours just riding waves and hanging out on the beach.

Here is us just lounging around, there is Will, Sam, and Katie.

So we were up on the 11th floor which was pretty high. You can see how big this hotel was, and it was right next to the beach so we are definately spoiled.

This is our hotel from the beach, you can see that we were literally right next to the beach.

Here is the golf course that we ran at for our race on Friday. It was nice, really expensive houses everywhere with palm trees.

This was my number and uniform for the race.

This picture was on the Coastal Carolina website, as you can see I am about half in it.

So for a brief recap, we left on Friday morning and it is about a 6 hour drive. We took two different buses on the way down, the guys were in one bus and the girls in the other. I sat next to Sam on the trip down. We went straight to the golf course for the meet. In the meet I ran a 20:05 I think for 6k which was okay. I didn't have an amazing race but it wasn't a bad race, I placed 11th and our team won by a lot. Afterwards we soaked Coach Scott with ice cold water to celebrate his first victory. We went out to eat after this and Zach, David, Mark, Isaac, Spencer and I went to walmart to get food. After getting food we sat out on the curb and just watched people going in and out of walmart. We saw some people yelling at each other and almost getting into a fight, we saw a guy on a bike dragging a wagon behind him with an old lady in it, and some other people thought we were in a fraternity so it was pretty interesting. We went to the hotel after this and walked on the beach for awhile before going back to the hotel. We just chilled after that and went to bed.
Saturday morning I woke up at 6:45am and did devotions on the beach, then went for a 10 mile run. Then we went to Denny's for breakfast and then went back to the hotel and we all went to the beach. We were out on the beach for a few hours, we were in the water for awhile riding waves and mostly we just hung out. Joshypants, Zach, and I crashed the hotel next to ours and went in their hot tub and lazy pool. We ended up leaving at around 4pm. We traveled for a little bit and then stopped for dinner. On the way back our buses were not segregated by gender, so there were some girls on our bus. We played mofia for about 2 hours and it was very intense and fun. Then we finally arrived back at Liberty at around 11:45pm.
I am tired,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend Fun with Stephen

On my run this morning, I could feel that I had a blister from yesterday but it didn't kill me too much on my run, but afterwards I realized that it had bled a little bit as you can see...

So I got to spend the weekend with Stephen which was really fun. This first pictures here is when Stephen and I went up to snowflex to check it out during his campus tour. The snowflex we have here is ridiculous, its very cool and very dangerous, hence Stephen really wanted to try it.

This morning Stephen and I had breakfast at the good old waffle house a couple of miles down the road. It was very very yummy, the double good. The other picture is of Stephen getting eaten by a bear at the lodge up by the snowflex. After waffle house this morning, we went to wal-mart and I got Stephen a Liberty T-shirt and a new lanyard!

This was friday night before Stephen got here, Joshypants, Zach and Jon all dressed up in crazy outfits. Joshypants wore his onesie while Jon was in his Chicken suit, and Zach wass just in tights. They went out and just talked to random people, Caleb and I stayed in the room and watched Chuck.

I wish I had some pictures from David's birthday party. He lives off campus with Jake, Mark, and Josh McDougal, and it was crazy. In the basement they had 15 black lights, and everything was spray painted with glow in the dark spray paint, my white shirt was glowing. It was fun though, people were dancing and there was very loud music. And also I got locked in the bathroom because the door handle came off and I could open the door. I tried knocking on the door but no one could hear me because of the music. So I had to climb out a very small window to escape the bathroom. It was quite interesting.

Well I am headed to church soon, then to do some homework and cheer for the Falcons


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Life has been extremely busy here at Liberty for me. This week is Spiritual Emphasis week, we have a speaker named Clayton King (who is fantasic - and He has spoken Monday at Convocation, Monday Night, Tuesday Night, This morning and he will again tonight. So I have been busy with all of those gatherings along with Cross Country practice, hall meetings, xc bible studies, and school work. Things are going well though, I just cleaned up my room and it is very very clean (yes very clean mom). Above is a picture of the new shoes that Coach Scott gave me yesterday at practice so I will be trying those out in a few minutes at practice.

This is Josh and Nate here this weekend when we all went out and got ourselves 52oz slushies. We get to keep these 52oz jars and a refill at sheetz is only 97 cents! But we had a great time and Josh certainly had a enough sugar that night.

Here is another sunset picture that I took from my room! Its a beautiful area, it is still weird that I am living in Virgina right now.

Well I gotta head to practice!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Liberty vs. Saint Francis

So today was the first football game of the season which was againt Saint Francis Univerisy (PA), Rachel's school. We had a lot of fun! Our team won 52-7 so lots of offense on Liberty's side. The first picture above is Josh, the mascot, Zach and me. Then the second picture is the roommates sporting the towels that we all got.

As you can see, the weather was pretty good, clear skies, sunny, and warm. The second picture is just the field and the football players. Saint Francis is in white and we were in blue.

So here is the Liberty Flames band, they were pretty good and played some recent pop music so that was pretty fun. The big hit was 'lean on me' which was pretty funny. The second picture is of Katie and Jess with the Liberty mascot "Sparky".

Well this is the most energetic character on our team Joshypants, who decided to put the stickers we got (shown on the right) on his sunglasses. All of us freshman xc people sat together for the game.

The picture on the left shows Jess, Joshypants, Zach and Me during the game in our red shirts. The picture on the right is all of us putting up three fingers because the Red Flash had a 3rd down. I don't recall if they made the conversion or not.
Overall it was really fun, tonight I am doing some homework, running at 6pm, then going to get slushies followed by some hang out/movie/homework and then maybe another late skate night tonight.

First Race

Well yesterday I had my first meet at Virginia Tech which was the Virginia Tech Cross Country Relays. The race went really well, on my first leg I ran 11:13 and passed 3 virginia tech runners. I recovered pretty well and then ran another 11:13 and passed 2 virginia tech guys for the team win. My leg didn't feel too bad, I was happy with the race and it felt pretty smooth. I didn't all out kill myself but just got a feel for racing again. My pace was 5:09 and my overtime for 7k was 22:27 which was good. Overall it was an awesome meet, a lot of fun. It was really cool to wear the Liberty uniform and be apart of this team. I love the team and love the God centered attitude that is present. We cooled down around the Virgina Tech campus shirtless which was fun, its such as nice campus. I am really excited to race at Coastal Carolina which is a 6k on Sept. 17 at Mrytle Beach :)

Zach Barker/Jarred Cornfield - Liberty University

Zach (11:20.2/11:30.1) - Jarred (11:13.3/11:13.7) Total Time: 45:17 - 5th Place

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Liberty Flame

Well here I am, I am a Liberty Flame. I got my uniform this afternoon and I am kind of in love with it. I am really excited to race on Friday, and a new bit of information is that I am now running with the ZachAttack my roommate in the relay! So we are both pretty excited about that, we are currently forming a very complex pre race handshake. I had a better run again today so I am starting to earn some more confidence, I don't have to go to morning physical thearpy anymore as well just afternoon icing/heat, stretching and foam rolling. School is busy as usual, I have a bit of homework for tomorrow but after that I should be set for this week.

In the lovely 45 degree swirling ice water :) This is what I do everyday at around 1pm after classes. I am a dilligent little boy and get my exerices done. And mom to answer your question yes I have been eating healthy. I particularly like these chicken salad wraps that we have, oh my they are good.

Zach and I are both really excited for this race on Friday, we are leaving school at 2pm and then we race at 6pm at Virginia Tech. Then the following morning we have a prayer thing to go to as apart of Liberty University's All Night of prayer. Our dorm has the 6am-7am shift so we will be doing that. Then we are having breakfast at our sister dorm and then driving down to the football game against Saint Francis (Rachels School). So that should be fun, and then maybe another late night skate Saturday, we will see.