Saturday, September 4, 2010

Liberty vs. Saint Francis

So today was the first football game of the season which was againt Saint Francis Univerisy (PA), Rachel's school. We had a lot of fun! Our team won 52-7 so lots of offense on Liberty's side. The first picture above is Josh, the mascot, Zach and me. Then the second picture is the roommates sporting the towels that we all got.

As you can see, the weather was pretty good, clear skies, sunny, and warm. The second picture is just the field and the football players. Saint Francis is in white and we were in blue.

So here is the Liberty Flames band, they were pretty good and played some recent pop music so that was pretty fun. The big hit was 'lean on me' which was pretty funny. The second picture is of Katie and Jess with the Liberty mascot "Sparky".

Well this is the most energetic character on our team Joshypants, who decided to put the stickers we got (shown on the right) on his sunglasses. All of us freshman xc people sat together for the game.

The picture on the left shows Jess, Joshypants, Zach and Me during the game in our red shirts. The picture on the right is all of us putting up three fingers because the Red Flash had a 3rd down. I don't recall if they made the conversion or not.
Overall it was really fun, tonight I am doing some homework, running at 6pm, then going to get slushies followed by some hang out/movie/homework and then maybe another late skate night tonight.


  1. Hey, whats that on your chin?

  2. Aw Jarred you so cute with your fuzz and cuteness... =PP And I was listening to the game and it was fairly interesting until we got a bunch of points... but the band sounded good... they played lean on me. =PP

