Sunday, March 27, 2011

Update in my life

Well I have not written in quite awhile and I apologize greatly for that. I have put up a lot of different pictures in no particular order just with events from the last few weeks. A lot of stuff has happened, I have been in Boston and Myrtle Beach, and Raleigh, NC, life has been quite busy. But enjoy reading the captions to the pictures and just random stuff in my life.

So during our Spring Break trip down at Myrtle Beach we had a talent show on Wednesday Night which was open to anyone to perform anything. Zach did a rap as shown in this picture while Josh (to the left) was his back up dancer. He did a rap to Eminem's Lose yourself but he rapped about the team, I was in verse two, something about my flippy hair do. It was fantastic, and he memorized the entire thing, very impressive.

Also during Spring Break our entire team went bowling (unlimited games) for $5 which was great. I did not bowl very well with a top score of 120 which is pretty pathetic, I need to get better at bowling, I really want to be a better bowler, golfer, and tennis player. I need to be able to beat dad in all three, thats pretty key!

I was introduced to rock climbing the Monday after Boston. This is the rock climbing gym in down town Lynchburg right over by where Uncle Kurt lives. It was actually really fun, its quite intense though. The wall is 50ft tall and it was pretty tough. My arms were really tired afterwards and my legs too were pretty tired. It is a very difficult sport.

Cameron and I went mini golfing one day, I pulled out the win and the goofy smile that really isn't a smile too. She had a good chance just had a couple bad holes in the last 5 holes that really killed her.

This is the sunset one night when I was down at the beach, the trip was really good, the weather was overall very nice. It was a great time to be able to get to know the team better and just to spend time with them.

So the Sunday that we were there, the team spent like all day on the beach. Zach, Andrew, and Ryan spent all day digging a hole. The hole got to about 7 feet or more deep. Andrew hit water down there and Jenn (far left) built some stairs. It was an impressive hole, the cops came (three trucks) later at night and they ended up barricading it and putting caution tape around it as well. So things got off to a good start day 1.

This is the view from my balcony up on the 11th floor. The ocean was nice, it was quite cold, I went into it a couple of times to ice but it was still fridged. I enjoyed this view very much so.

This is the more experienced Caleb Edmonds climbing a very difficult route. It was cool to watch Caleb and Peter climb because they have been doing this for years and are really good. Peter was my climbing mentor, he put everything into running terms for me so I could understand. Also my shoes were really tight

This is my bed at the hotel in Boston during IC4a's. Okay this room was intense, it was the nicest hotel that I have ever stayed in. For one, why do I have so many pillows, I really don't need this many pillows.

This is the metro station down in Boston. This was the first time I have ever been on a metro station so it was quite the experience. It was really crowded and you had to be on the ball and move quickly. Especially since we had a large group, it was quite hectic.

This is in downtown Boston, there was a 3 story mac store. I didn't get a chance to go into it but I know Dad would have wanted to for sure.

And this is some more of our hotel room in Boston, the t.v. was really nice, except the remote stopped working and we couldn't change the channel, volume, or power on the t.v. so we had to leave it on one day when we left.

Well those are some pictures and things that have been going on. IC4A's went really well and was a great experience. I really enjoyed Boston (much more than NYC) and I had the best race of my life running 2:25.9 in the 1000m. School has been going well, I finished my one online class which is a relief (cause I do not like Philosophy). I only have 6 weeks of school left which is crazy. I had a couple races over spring break which went okay, not great. And I raced down in Raleigh, NC this weekend and ran a 3:58.43 1500m which was a good start to the 1500m. I am greatly looking forward to this weekend, we have a home meet here at Liberty and I believe I will be running the 1500m and the 4x400m. I am excited to see Dad and Dell and whoever else comes down.

I miss you all up in New York, I hope things are going well, I'll try to give you guys a few more calls when I'm not so busy.

God Bless,


  1. You should play Cameron in Tennis and see what that outcome would be....


  2. I have before, she is a lott better than me, but I am getting better, so that I can beat you
